Tourist Places in Europe

Venice is Romantic Cities

From the look of it, you'd think Venice spent all its time primping. Bask in the glory of Grand Canal palaces, but make no mistake: this city's a powerhouse. You may have heard that Venice is an engineering marvel, with marble churches built atop ancient posts driven deep into the barene (mud banks) – but the truth is that this city is built on sheer nerve. Reasonable people might blanch at water approaching their doorsteps and flee at the first sign of acqua alta (high tide). But reason can’t compare to Venetian resolve. Instead of bailing out, Venetians have flooded the world with voluptuous Venetian-red paintings and wines, music, Marco Polo spice-route flavours, and bohemian-chic fashion. And they’re not done yet.


With the world’s most artistic masterpieces per square kilometre, you’d think the city would take it easy, maybe rest on its laurels. But Venice refuses to retire from the inspiration business. In narrow calli (alleyways), you’ll glimpse artisans hammering out shoes crested like lagoon birds, cooks whipping up four-star dishes on single-burner hotplates, and musicians lugging 18th-century cellos to riveting baroque concerts played with punk-rock bravado. As you can see, all those 19th-century Romantics got it wrong. Venice is not destined for genteel decay. Billionaire benefactors and cutting-edge biennales are filling up those ancient palazzi (palaces) with restored masterpieces and eyebrow-raising contemporary art and architecture, and back-alley galleries and artisan showrooms are springing up in their shadows. Your timing couldn’t be better: the people who made walking on water look easy are already well into their next act.

But don’t go expecting to have the city to yourself. Even in the foot-stomping chill of January, Venice has its admirers. The upside is that you’ll keep fascinating company here. More accessible than ever and surprisingly affordable given its singularity, Venice remains a self-selecting city: it takes a certain imagination to forgo the convenience of cars and highways for slow boats and crooked calli. Sculptors, harpsichordists, sushi chefs and dreamers passing as accountants might end up bumping elbows over heaping plates of risotto di seppie (squid risotto) along scuffed wooden tables in authentic osterie (pub-restaurants). Judging by the crowd, you might think the Art Biennale must be happening – but no, that’s just an average Wednesday night in Venice.

Venice is best when caught between acts, after the day trippers rush off to beat afternoon traffic, and before cruise ships dump dazed newcomers off in Piazza San Marco with three hours to see all of Venice before lunch. Those visitors may never get to see Venice in its precious downtime, when gondoliers warm up their vocal chords with scorching espresso on their way to work, and mosaic artisans converge at the bar for tesserae shoptalk over a spritz (prosecco-based drink).


Tourist Places in Asia

Maldives Island

Enchantment has to offer Maldives. Nature is beautiful with the sea is very clear and blue. First I got an offer project in Maldives, I still do not know where the location of this country, so I look on the internet. It turned out that the Republic of Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, under Sri Lanka. In 2004, several islands in the Maldives was hit by the tsunami. From Singapore, there are daily flights to the Maldives 08:30 ETD and eta 22:30 (Maldives time 2 hours later than Jakarta, with a flying time of about 4.5 hours). Male Airport, very simple.
Only consists of 2 parts, namely ordinary airport runway and the airport with water for seaplane. The airport is situated on the island Hulule, about 2 km from the capital Jakarta Male.Bila out our airport taxi, so here we have to ride dhonny, motor boat to cross to Male.
After arriving at the new Jetty no taxis, no metered, so drop MRF 15, - (Rufiyaa currency, of which USD 1.00 = 12.75 MRF), that night or any baggage MRF 20, -.
Male city streets are very narrow and a lot of motors, because the island is only about quite small with a population of nearly 150,000 people. The population in the Maldives alone around 300,000 people.
I tried around the island along the coast, only takes about 2 hours, it was with the nyantai streets.
Maldives consists of atoll islands which lie about 800km from north to south. Most consist of the resort, around the 80s, which is managed by international hotel chains such as Hilton, Fourseason and others.
Maldives beach sea view and very beautiful, clear blue sea and a few places we could see the seabed and the fish. For those who like diving, snorkelling, fishing, maybe this is an interesting place. I once asked diving package with a yacht, for a week around USD 1800-USD 3000.00 depending on the type of yacht and service (but I have not been able to bag!)
Food here is much influenced India, such as curry. They used to eat with rotti (like parata, martabak thin) and tuna fish. Tuna fish and big fish are the main food.
Uniquely, they just take the meat. Meanwhile, the bone and its contents discarded. Similarly, chicken, without bones. Only small fish used as bait fishing or maybe in the resort. If anyone could possibly make pempek Kilkenny skin ....
In my job, I've been to the island Villifushi, about 130 NM from Male. I get there by seaplane. It's also an interesting experience in which the aircraft taking off and landing on water. Small aircraft with 15-17 passenger and pilot, co pilot and water attendent very relaxed, they just wear shorts and nyeker (without shoes) or just with sandals.
From the plane, visible group of atolls is very beautiful. The plane landed at the resort area and the aircraft tethered in small pooton. Dhonny and speed boat from the resort will pick up guests.
I myself, speed boat ride again about 2 hours to the island of fishermen and Dhaaru Villifushi. Villifushi is a low island hit by the tsunami in 2004 and is currently being rebuilt as a new permunkinan for the people of Maldives, with funding from the Netherlands and the UN.
Although the weather was very hot, but perfect for fishing. For beginners like me, though home to put fishing line, can get fish for snapper. So, every day I eat fresh fish. But, because it is not good at cooking, most frying aja cuman.
I myself live in Dhaaru, with a population of around 1,500 people, but have a school, Puskemas quite good and clean. Interestingly, the house where I lived under construction. The bathroom was very luxurious, with Bathtube and, jacuzzi.
Well, it turns out the new rich people here affected by the western lifestyle as well. At dinner, we were treated to a rather wet rice, and tuna fish pieces cooked without skin and bones and is only eaten with fresh chilli (chilli round here are small but very spicy) and orange juice. Well, can I swallow too with the help of Coca-cola.
At other times, I went to the northern islands, named Dhuaafaruu, this is also the island that is being rebuilt by the contractor Singapore, ex tsunami. I live on the island Ongoofaaru, about 10-15 minutes by boat motors.
When you ride a boat, fishing boat crew will be pulled out with feathers all the way and can get 3-5 fish of 20-30 cm. Easy, right?
When going back from here, I have difficulty in meeting places in the seaplane, because they give priority to the tourist. Meanwhile, a very expensive speed boat ride. Finally, I ride dhonny with a small engine with a travel time of about about 12 hours.
Well, the scary is that, once separated from the atoll, look no further islands and mobile phones also no signal. The visible, is just blue water and occasionally dolphins appear beside the boat
The crew of the ship while the ship went up briefly to see whether there was a visible island. Just a small navigation tool compass heading south. Finally, we arrived at Male.Leganya hearts.
Truly, an experience menarik.Untung, then April. Because, if May or June, big waves and can reach 2-4 meters. Definitely, I will not have the courage to sail with a traditional boat.
Ok, while it had a bit of Maldives.
Next time I will be a story about the lives of the Maldives and so forth.
Author: HendricusSource: Compass


Tourist Attraction in Sumatra

Lake Toba

Toba lake itself is a volcanic lake that occurs when a volcanic explosion at 69000-77000 years ago, is expected as well as one of the largest volcanic explosion in the world.
Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials spewed out of the mountain as much as 2800 km ³, with 800 km ³ of rock Ignimbrite and 2,000 km ³ of volcanic ash which is expected in the wind to the west for 2 weeks. Volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from China to South Africa. Explosion occurred during 1 week and throw the dust up to 10 km above sea level.
This incident caused mass death and the extinction of some species also followed. According to some DNA evidence, this eruption also reduced the number of people to about 60% of the total human population of the earth at that time, which is about 60 million people. The eruption was also contributed to the occurence of ice ages, although the experts still debate.

After the blast, created kaledra (depressions in the ground after a volcanic eruption) which is then filled by water and we now know as Lake Toba.Middle of Lake Toba also has a small island which is also called the island of Samosir.
International multidisciplinary research team, led by Dr. Michael Petraglia, revealed in a press conference in Oxford, the United States that has found a new archaeological site is quite spectacular by geologists in southern and northern India. On the site it was revealed how people survive, before and after volcanic eruptions (Supervolcano) Toba at 74,000 years ago, and evidence of life under the ash heap of Mount Toba. Though the source of explosion is 3,000 miles, from the distribution of ashes.
For seven years, experts from Oxford University is researching ecosystem project in India, to seek evidence of life and the lives they left behind equipment in a barren desert. Region with an area of thousands of hectares of this was just savanna (grasslands). Meanwhile, animal bones scattered. The team concluded, this vast area was covered with enough dust from ancient volcanic eruptions.
The spread of volcanic dust was extremely spacious, found almost worldwide. Derived from an ancient eruption Supervolcano, namely Mount Toba. Allegations leading to Mount Toba, because it found evidence of volcanic dust molecules in the same 2100 period. Since the caldera crater, now a lake Toba in Indonesia, 3,000 miles, from the source of the eruption. Even that is quite surprising, it turns out that the spread of dust to be recorded up to the North Pole. This is reminiscent of the experts, how powerful the super volcano Toba eruption at the time. The evidence is found, strengthening the suspicion, that the strength of the eruption and sea waves could wipe out life on Atlantis.

If friends all want to go see the lake Toba, it is advisable to drop into town Parapat. From there can see the beautiful lake toba clearer. Parapat also one tourist city in northern Sumatra. So do not worry for business accommodation, hospitality, and the like. :) Hopefully there is available. And also later from Parapat Toba access to other nearby tourist kedaerah easier, because no ship, ferry, or the like that are ready to transport.
The majority ethnic population in the vicinity of Lake Toba is a hobo. In general, people over there livelihood as farmers, traders, and fishermen. Personal Sy actually quite impressed with its natural lake toba and potential regardless of the facts that say that the number of tourists has dropped there from lack of attention and care of a responsible party.Whatever it is Lake Toba is going to be our joint responsibility and obligation to preserve.


Places of Interest in Java

Pangandaran Beach 

Pangandaran Beach area is one of the mainstay tourist district of Ciamis and West Java Province. In fact, the area that are in the South Coast of Java is included in the agenda of the 2008 visit of Indonesian tourism. Therefore, local governments through the local Department of Tourism and Culture, continues to improve and complement the various supporting facilities Pangandaran Beach tourist area.Feature
Visitors can enjoy the natural panorama of the beautiful Pangandaran Beach and the stretch of sloping white sand beaches charming. The two hills that flank the beach of Pangandaran make wind blowing softly and sea waves ripple is relatively small, so that visitors comfortable doing various activities, like swimming using tires, boating around the peninsula, fishing, relaxing on the beach, or simply absorb the natural beauty of tourist lodges numerous in the region. In addition, visitors can see the sunrise and sunset from the same place.
For visitors who want to dive, in this region there are marine parks with a variety of fauna and flora of the beautiful sea.
Roads in the vicinity of this beach is paved smooth, making it easier for visitors who want to surround the area with a motor vehicle or bicycle. When night falls, visitors will still feel comfortable in Pangandaran Beach, because the region has been equipped with adequate lighting.
Every weekend, usually held on traditional performing arts of West Java. In addition, in certain months held various events, such as sea fishing Pangandaran intent in March, nyiar lumar in June, the international kite festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) in July, decorative boat carnival in August, the race fishing in September, cross-country tours and off road in October, and new year holiday party in December.

Beautiful Pangandaran Beach is a beach located on the southern coast as well as by AsiaRooms is the best beach on the island of Java, this beach is a tourist beach in West Java. This beach is located in the Village Pananjung, District Pangandaran with a distance of ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis. Some features of this beach are:
  • Able to see the sunrise and sunsets from the same place 
  • sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow us to swim safely 
  • There is a beach with white sand 
  • There are rescue teams coastal tourism 
  • The road is paved smooth environment with adequate street lighting 
  • There is a marine park with fish and marine life is fascinating. 
  • Place the landing of Japanese troops during World War II and therefore there still are some caves the Japanese army's defense is first used as hiding places of Japanese soldiers who intended to attack the Dutch soldiers.
Pangandaran Beach is located in the District of Pangandaran, Ciamis regency, West Java Province, Indonesia.

From Bandung, visitors can use the route Bandung - Tasikmalaya - Pangandaran. The distance is approximately 236 kilometers. In addition to the bus, visitors can take the train to the station Banjar. From Banjar, proceed by bus to Pangandaran.
From Yogyakarta, visitors can use the route of Yogyakarta - Cilacap - Banjar - Pangandaran. The distance is about 385 kilometers. In addition to the bus, visitors can take the train to the station Banjar. From Banjar, proceed by bus to Pangandaran.

Event tourism is usually held
  • Intent of the Sea, the ceremony performed in Pangandaran fishermen as the embodiment of their gratitude to the Almighty God's mercy in a way melarung offerings to the sea. This event is usually held on every Muharram, with the East Coast took place in Pangandaran. 
  • International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities which we can see in every month of June or July.
Accommodation and Facilities 
Pangandaran beach in the tourist areas there are various supporting facilities, such as large parking area and safe, hotel and guesthouse with various types, SAR teams, tourist cabin, campground, Pramu tourism, and tourism information center.
In addition, in the region there are other facilities, such as banks, ATMs, money changers, restaurants, food stalls, cinemas, discos, bike rental place and tires, jet skis, post office, telephone, credit vouchers, the sailing , as well as centers of souvenirs and souvenir outlets.

Facilities available 
1. Ample parking
2. Postal services, telecommunications and money changer
3. Cinemas, discotheques
4. Guides and Tourism Information Centre
5. Campground 
6. Bicycles and tire rental pool
7. Parasailing and jetski
8. Waterboom

Hotel, restaurant, inn, tourist cabin rates to vary among other
1. Hotel Blue Sea 
2. Beautiful Beach Resort & Hotel Pangandaran
3. Sunrise Beach Pangandaran Hotels 
4. Enchantment Surya Beach Hotel Pangandaran 
5. PURI Rengganis

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